[Corporate governance]

One of CaixaBank’s main priorities is to guarantee the transparency, independence and good governance of the company, with a view to safeguarding the interests and to earn the confidence of all stakeholders. CaixaBank strives to be a benchmark in corporate governance, as set out in its 2015-2018 Strategic Plan.  


At CaixaBank, the management and control of the bank is borne by the shareholders in their Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Committees. The Chief Executive Officer is tasked with the bank’s day-to-day management and ordinary decisions, and is ultimately accountable to the Board and the Executive Committee.

Business ethics

One of CaixaBank's fundamental principles is to ensure that our conduct is in line with our values. To that end, each and every CaixaBank employee is tasked with following the guidelines set out by the bank in that regard, such as the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the Anti-corruption policy. Employees must also comply with the international ethical standards to which the bank has adhered, such as the United Nations Global Compact.