The bank’s management and control is the responsibility of the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors and its Committees. The Chief Executive Officer is tasked with the bank‘s day-to-day management and ordinary decisions, and is ultimately accountable to the Board and the Executive Committee.
Everyone that forms part of CaixaBank must act according to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, the Anti-Corruption Policy and other internal rules of conduct regarding specific areas.
There is a whistle-blowing channel to facilitate compliance with such rules. In the case of customers or other stakeholders, such matters will be handled through the normal customer service channels. CaixaBank also adheres to international corporate responsibility standards, such as the United Nations Global Compact.
One share, one vote.
Separation of duties between Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Protection for minority shareholders and incentives to encourage them to get involved with CaixaBank, such as through the Shareholder Advisory Committee.
Female representation on the Board is in the upper range of the Ibex 35.
Profile of CaixaBank‘s directors
As a percentage
* Uninterrupted, and at 2015 year end.
CaixaBank complies with good governance regulations applicable to credit institutions and listed companies and, voluntarily, with the majority of the recommendations laid out under the Good Governance Code approved on 18 February 2015. The bank thus remains committed to being a standard-bearer of corporate governance and being transparent on all matters in which such recommendations have not been fully met.
Of these 64 recommendations, CaixaBank fully complies with 56 and partially complies with 4 of them, namely:
In addition, two other recommendations are explained: Recommendation 13, because the Board has a larger number of members than suggested, given its history and particular characteristics as well as the regulations applicable thereto; and Recommendation 62, because the shares delivered to executive directors as part of their annual bonus are subject to a 12-month lock-up period, but no further requirements after this period. Lastly, two of the recommendations are not applicable, given that in the CaixaBank Group only the bank itself has listed shares and there is no Lead Director at CaixaBank.