In order to set ourselves apart as the bank with the highest customer satisfaction, CaixaBank is creating global experience maps to give it deep insights into the needs and expectations of its customers. It is using this analysis to foster initiatives to enhance the customer experience and their emotional loyalty to the bank.
2015 saw very positive developments in internal and external indicators of quality perception. For example, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) improved by more than six points, consolidating the upward trend in customer recommendations for the bank. CaixaBank also achieved the first AENOR certification in Europe for quality of service in business banking.
In terms of its reputation, the Group renewed its presence in the World and Europe Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). This bolsters its position as one of the leading banks for corporate responsibility. The bank continued to foster financial inclusion through the most extensive branch network in Spain, the granting of microcredits and the launch of financial education programmes.
During the year, CaixaBank ceased to apply the vast majority of floor clauses in its mortgage loan portfolio for individuals. Most of these contracts stemmed from entities integrated into CaixaBank over recent years.
The initiatives launched to buttress corporate governance − another pillar of the Plan − resulted in improved external perception compared to other international companies and banks. These include, for example, the DJSI and the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) scores in this field.